Measurement Services
Bulk and nanomaterial analysis
Mössbauer spectroscopy
Mössbauer spectroscopy provides the information about local surroundings of probed iron atoms. By the interpretation of Mössbauer spectra and its hyperfine Mössbauer parameters we can estimate the valence state, oxidation state, spin state, magnetic state of prepared samples.
X-ray diffraction
X-ray powder diffraction is universal technique for characterization and/or identification of powder materials. This method is a powerful tool which provides information concerning phase composition (identification of crystalline phases, quantification of crystalline phases), structural analysis of powder samples, determination of crystallinity (MCL, mean X-ray coherence length), and determination of content of amorphous component.
nanomaterial analysis
Vibrating Sample Magnetometry
The magnetic measurements provide information about superparamagnetic and blocked state of as prepared magnetic nanoparticles. By the analysis of ZFC-FC curves we can extract the value of blocking temperature and predict the mutual magnetic interactions between the nanoparticles. The hysteresis loops interpretation and hysteresis parameters support the data retrieved from ZFC-FC measurements and confirm the magnetic nature of samples.
Electron Paramagnetic resonance
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) is an outstanding technique to probe/study unpaired electron and radical centers in materials. Detecting and investigating these paramagnetic species is essential for wide range of potential applications. EPR spectra signifies the spin state, which is dependent on the type of ligand and their geometry such as tetrahedral, octahedral etc.
Small angle X-Ray Scattering
Small angle X-ray scattering is powerful tool for characterization of particle`s size in nanoparticulate systems. It can be used for measurement of the systems containing particles with sizes up to 100 nm.
Transmission electron microscopy
Transmission electron microscopy enables direct observation of the specimen under near native conditions. The specimen does not undergo any chemical treatment and the data present direct observation of the sample immobilized in the solution of interest.
Elemental analysis
Elemental analysis (CHNS) represents standard quantitative analysis of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen of solid samples based on usage of gas chromatography. Samples are burned down, products of combustion are cleaned and separated and analyzed on TCD detector. This particular CHN technique is suitable for the analysis of such samples.
Dynamic light scattering
Dynamic light scattering is a non-destructive method enabling to make size and size distribution analysis of particles in a liquid dispersion. Analyzed samples are not chemically or physically treated prior the measurement and does not undergo any chemical treatment. Data present particle size analysis of the sample in the original liquid dispersion environment.